Monday 8 September 2014

Dominions, Virtues and Powers

Hey Angel lovers and Demon loathers


The next three types of Angels in the list are the Dominions, the Virtues and the Powers.

Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They control the responsibilities of the angels, making God's commands  known.


Virtues control all nature and are known as 'the Spirits of Motion'. They control the elements, seasons, stars, moons, and even the sun, pretty much the whole natural universe. They are sometimes referred to as 'the shining ones' and have control over miracles, providing courage and grace.

Powers are known as potentates, which is 'leaders' in basic English. They are Warrior Angels that defend humans and the cosmos by defeating evil. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to inflict chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be an angel of darkness, either Camael or Samael.

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