Tuesday 9 September 2014


Angel falling
Lucifer or Satan is a fallen angel. But before he fell from Heaven, Lucifer was a magnificent being with unique ministry. Unfortunately for him, his pride took over his heart and sin cost him everything. He was created by God like all the other angels, but he had been given a different role from other angelic hosts. Lucifer was mentioned as the 'covering angel'.

Lucifer was recognised by God to be the angel of worship, one whose ministry boarded the heart of Heaven. Lucifer was created to live eternally in the throne room of Heaven, in the presents of God himself.  

In order to be with God forever, Lucifer hade to be perfect. He was not only higher in status than other angels, but he looked it to. There was nothing ordinary about his appearance, decked with gold and precious stones,  he truly fit the name 'Sun of the Morning'.

Fallen angels
Lucifer had wisdom, beauty, capability, perfection and yet he still wanted more. He wanted to be praised and worshiped like God, but God does not share his glory and he does not allow others to be worshiped. So, before Lucifer could make his move, God removed him from Heaven and striped him of his beauty, his position, and his right to be in Heaven. From then onwards, Satan has been plotting  to ruin the mighty plan of God.

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